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  • Writer's pictureMarguerite Yeo

Rose-shaped tarts

When I came across this recipe I knew I had to bake it, for several reasons:

- The tarts are visually appealing

- Everything about the tart is delicious

- The process is very involved and it’s challenging, and stuff could go wrong

Today was a good day to bake this. Don’t try this on a hot day because rolling 10 tarts when puff pastry is involved can be a sticky, messy, and frustrating disaster.

These tarts take time so don’t try this on a day when you have other things going on. I did not know caramelizing onions took 30 minutes. Roasting the beets took 50 minutes. Making puff pastry from scratch takes about 2 hours. Sure you can do these in parallel but it means you’re on your feet for hours. Assembling the tarts took time. And when I thought I was done, I realized I had to prepare the balsamic reduction which took another 15 minutes. Was it worth it? Yes! These tarts are delicious.

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